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Narodni i crkveni brak u srpskom seoskom društvu
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2000 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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From historical fact of overlapping life of Serbian folk and its orthodox church result imperative of studding and observing institution of marriage among Serbs in the light of Christian orthodox church dogma and ideology. Short review of history of Serbian Orthodox Church points at substantial part that it had taken in different aspects of Serbian folk life what is shown through study exhibited in this work. As a basic (ideological) frame of studding the categories related to the marriage it is taken church law respectively system of norms from customary law which show high rate of mutual similarity (which origin as a result of mutual influence of those two systems), but also certain differences which are notify as a fruit of specific social, historical and cultural conditions. Methodological problems that are notify in wor, point out necessity of more thoroughly studding of so called "traditional society" model that would consider first of all, serious critic of ethnological sources and redefinition of certain ideas and concepts. As temporal frame of researched models it is taken the period of relative stability of traditional family and system of ethical norms that it represents and which ends when the process of "stormy transformation" started in the beginning of 20th century. Still, in work there are shortly presented also the elements of new age model of marriage which only purpose was to point out the direction of changes in mentioned spheres and necessity for their thoroughly research.

SRBI U KALIFORNIJI - Obredno-religijska praksa i etnicitet vernika srpskih pravoslavnih parohija u Kaliforniji
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2005 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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Ова књига представља прилагођен и делимично измењен текст магистарског рада Обредно-релишјска пракса и етницитет верника српских православних парохија у Калифорнији, одбрањеног у децембру 2002. године на Одељењу за етнологију и антропологију Филозофског факултета Универзитета у Београду. Рад је настао као део пројекта Етнографског института САНУ број 2157: Традиционална култура Срба — системи представа, обреда и социјалних институција, који финансира Министарство за науку и технологију Републике Србије. Желела бих да се захвалим овом министарству чији сам стипендиста била током постдипломских студија, као и Министарству културе које је финансирало моје путне тропжове до Лос Анђелеса. Захваљујем се свим колегама у Етнографском институту САНУ чијим сам се искуством користила приликом израде рада. Најсрдачније се захваљујем мојим рецензентима академику Димитрију Стефановићу, др Душану Дрљачи, др Младени Прелић на корисним саветима и сугестијама, као и ментору проф. др Бранку Ћупурдији. Посебну благодарност дугујем епископу шумадијском господину Јовану, који је током мог боравка у Калифорнији у јесен 2000. године био владика западноамерички и који ми је дао дозволу за истраживање у његовој епархији. Желим да се захвалим и свештенству западноамеричке епархије које ми је помогло да прикупим материјал за израду овог рада, посебно јерејима Блашку Параклису из Оринџ Каун-тија, Петру Јовановићу из Сан Габријела, Марку Матићу из Сан Франциска и његовој супрузи Весни, као и свим испитаницима - људима добре воље који су учествовали у истраживању и допринели стварању ове књиге. Дугујем посебну захвалност др Андреју Симићу, професору антропологије на Универзитету Јужне Калифорније у Лос Анђелесу и проф. др Димитрију Ђорђевићу, са Универзитета у Санта Барбари (Калифорнија), члану САНУ. Највећу захвалност дугујем мојој сестри Татјани и њеном супругу Зорану Миловановић, који су сносили све трошкове мог боравка и истраживања у Америци - без њихове љубави и разумевања реализација овог подухвата била би немогућа. Истинску и усрдну подршку и у овом послу пружили су ми моји родитељи, којима неизмерно благодарим на помоћи и стрпљењу.

Srpska konzervativna misao
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ISBN: 867208070X Year: 2003 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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U razvojnim tokovima srpske filozofske i teološke misli – kao i političke ili društvene misli – organska ili organicistička misao svakako nije neka nepoznata komponenta. Dok je srpska liberalna ili socijalistička misao – posebno kasnije marksistička misao – relativno dobro sistematizovana i proučena, organicistička misao je ostala na neki način po strani i reklo bi se da nije privukla pažnju kakvu nesumnjivo zaslužuje. Kada je već osamdesetih godina XX veka došlo do sloma mnogih idejnih tokova i političkih koncepata, zanimanje za srpsku organicističku misao ne samo da je poraslo već je ona doživela neku vrstu renesanse – barem njeni sledbenici tako kažu – i iznova je postala aktuelna. Verovatno je to bio razlog mnogih nesporazuma oko definisanja i redefinisanja te misli, posebno nesporazuma oko termina koji bi bili najprikladniji. Ta misao se u nekim slučajevima određuje u krugu filozofske misli kod Srba, u drugim pak, što je ispravnije, ona se izučava uporedo sa drugim tokovima misli. Uglavnom nedostaje njeno sistematičnije izučavanje, iako su neka istraživanja do sada dala solidne rezultate. Sve do danas, međutim, mogu se sresti neke definicije naglašeno ideološki intonirane, što naravno smeta u pokušajima njenog pravilnog definisanja. U drugim kulturama – kod Rusa i Francuza, posebno – tih problema, reklo bi se, nema. Kada E. Sioran određuje prirodu utemeljivača francuske organicističke misli, on svom radu daje podnaslov Esej o reakcionarnoj misli.

U tradiciji nacionalizma ili stereotipi srpskih intelektualaca XX veka o "nama" i "drugima"
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 8672080637 Year: 2002 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Helsinški odbor za ljudska prava u Srbiji

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Dvadeseti vek je zatvorio krug balkanskih nacionalizama. Pri tom ne podrazumevam nikakav ciklični tok istorijskih zbivanja, već, naprotiv, jedno neizgrađeno, atavističko i nezrelo stremljenje, koje je samo sticajem političkih okolnosti i mnogostrukih uticaja isklizavalo iz ušančene matrice i povremeno se pretvaralo u kratkotrajni napredak ili, češće, privid napretka.To što Srbija ulazi u XXI vek sa pozicija sličnijih kraju XIX nego čitavom XX veku, možda će novi romantičari oceniti kao propušteno vreme, nacionalni radnici kao vraćanje na izvorni nacionalni kolosek, ali racionalni stav bi, ipak, najpre morao da glasi, da nikakav tehnološki progres, moderne ideologije i knjiška obaveštenost, ne mogu trajno da znače progres ako se mitska svest održava kao poželjno obeležje “nacionalnog bića”, državni interes svodi na staru, davno prevaziđenu frazu iz zaboravljene pa obnovljene bajke, a istorija doživljava kao “patriotska” nauka, koju čine ili suva, selektivno birana fakta ili “prepoznavanje” znakova sadašnjosti u dubokoj prošlosti.

Srbi u Čikagu - Problem etničkog identiteta
Authors: --- ---
Year: 1990 Publisher: Belgrade [Serbia] : Etnografski institut SANU

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Since in our opinion ethnic identity is an important problem in the study of the complex issues of assimilation and ethnicity, we have tried to determine to what extent and why the Serbian emigrants in Chicago have preserved their ethnic identity and what have been the forms and factors of its manifestation in the multinational environment of Chicago. As little attention has been paid to this problem so far, we collected the most important data during the field research by combining participatory observation, interviewing and casual conversation, although we also used all the available literature, statistical sources (census, etc.) and the emigrants’ publications (newspapers, commemorative volumes, calendars, bulletins, etc.). The Serbian emigrations to Chicago have had all the characteristics of the emigrations of other Yugoslav nations to America. They began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, and they have been taking place with changing intensity ever since. Therefore this paper covers three generations of Serbian emigrants. There have been three waves of emigration, differing in the region, time and cause of emigration and the socioeconomic characteristics of the emigrants. The first-wave emigrants had come to Chicago until World War Two for economic reasons, and they were mostly from Lika, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro; only at the end of this and in the subsequent waves was there a large number of emigrants from Serbia. Most of them under-educated or even illiterate and without knowledge of the English language, they usually found employment as factory workers or poorly paid laborers. The second wave consisted of emigrants who came after World War Two, mostly until 1960, as political emigres or displaced persons. The third wave, consisting of economic emigrants, began in 1960 and is not yet over. The socioeconomic status of the emigrants of the last two waves has been much more favorable because of a greater share of skilled workers. (The third wave has also been characterized by a much higher proportion of highly Skilled workers.) Since now they are coming to Chicago with professional experience, as soon as they learn the language, they begin to advance. On coming to Chicago, the first emigrants were faced with a new environment whose language, customs and habits were something altogether new to them. Besides, their adaptation to the new conditions of life was often accompanied by intolerance on the part of the members of groups which had emigrated earlier and by the unhospitability of American society. Therefore the old emigrants founded their colonies and institutions (parishes, relief societies, Serbian schools, choirs, e ts ...) in poor districts of the city. The emigrants of the subsequent waves, especially the third, usually settled in colonies whose breakup began at the time of their coming to Chicago, but they remained active in the old emigrant organizations or founded new ones, more suited to their needs. The emigrants’ families and organizations have formed an emigrant community, to an extent isolated from the rest of American society, in which our emigrants are still largely leading their private and public lives. Different times of emigration and differences in the socioeconomic status of the emigrants and generations have reflected on the status of their descendants in American society, and still more on the preservation of their ethnic identity, so that the members of the second generation can be divided into two types: the first type includes the descendants of the first-wave emigrants; and the second type, the post-World War Two emigrants. As a satisfactory definition of ethnic identity must include both its subjective and objective aspects and also have a symbolic character, in this paper we shall take ethnic identity to denote group identity which the members of a group form on the basis of a series of symbolic notions about their common characteristics, and/or which is formed by others who identify them as members of a group on the basis of these notions. Ethnic identity is formed and manifested through a series of ethnic symbols. Their basic function is to express the Serbian communal spirit. In addition to this marking role, they also have a differentiating role.. They separate our emigrants from the majority of the American population, which includes not only the white Anglo-Saxon Protestants but also all other ethnic groups in the city. We have grouped the ethnic symbols into two large symbolic systems: the verbal (language and personal and family names) and the nonverbal (religion, music, food and decorative objects). We have analyzed each of these symbols separately, with an intention of showing how it is used and how it changes and functions in the lives of the emigrants of different generations, waves and types. The first generation has, as expected, preserved its ethnic characteristics and is manifesting them more or less visibly both in the emigrant community and in American society at large. The second generation has lost some of the ethnic symbols, such as language, which has led some researchers to conclude that the second and, especially, the third generations have been largely assimilated. Ethnic identity, however, is based on a number of ethnic symbols, and loss of one of them does not entail loss of ethnic identify because its function can be taken over by other symbols. The later generations of Serbs in Chicago are cherishing symbols of their ethnic identity best suited to their needs and the conditions of their life (mostly nonverbal symbols). Apart from generational affiliation, the preservation of ethnic identity is affected by a series of other factors. On the one hand, there are emigrant-community factors (type of migration, type of colony, participation in ethnic organizations), which along with the contact with the homeland are contributing to the preservation of ethnic identity. On the other hand, American-society factors (naturalization, immigration policy, school system, social mobility) are contributing to the disappearance of ethnic identity. The opposite effects of the emigrant community and American society are giving rise, especially among the members of the second generation, to dual identity, which is symbolically manifested in the cherishing of both Serbian and American symbols, even simultaneously. The third generation, however, is characterized by an increased interest in the elements of the traditional culture of their ancestors. This is a generation most affected by the cultural pluralism and ethnic revival movement of the 1970s. Today the activities of various ethnic organizations in Chicago already cover the fourth and fifth generations of our emigrants, so that it is very likely that, although now being school-age children, they will preserve other ethnic characteristics besides the awareness of their ethnic origin. The emigration of Serbs to Chicago still continues, contributing to the constant revival of Serbian ethnic elements. Therefore we can assume that the Serbian ethnic group in Chicago will not completely disappear in the foreseeable future and that lit will preserve ethnic characteristics best suited to the needs of the emigrants and the conditions of the life in the multi-ethnic environment of Chicago.

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